Thursday, July 31, 2014

Corn Party!

We had a great day on Wednesday with some friends who offered to let us come do a corn day with them! Some of us went out and picked the corn on Wednesday morning, and then we got to work chopping the ends off of each ear.  

Then we put loads of corn through the boiler, with the husks still on.

As each load of corn came out of the boiler, it was taken over to the ladies who were shucking it under running water. Since the corn had been boiled, the husks and silks came off much easier!

After each ear was shucked, it was put into a big tub of cold water to cool. 

After that, it was taken out...

...and run through the cutter, which removes all of the corn from the cob. 

Next, quart-size bags are labeled.

Then the corn is put into bags, and taken to the freezer. 

So there you have the whole operation in a nut-shell! It's pretty neat to see what all can be done in a day. The Lord has blessed us very richly through our generous friends who planted the corn and gave it away after all the hard work was done! Thank you, Huenefelds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Huenefelds are good people. I would give anything for some of their corn! Are you sure there wasn't a bag with my name on it? Abby T.