Monday, July 8, 2013

Aurora Parade

Aurora, Nebraska, had a parade on June 22, and Dad, Brady and I rode our unicycles in it! We also put together a float for the members of our church to ride on (Faith Community Church). Mitchell Quiring drove an antique John Deere tractor pulling a hay wagon, and some of the people from church rode on it and threw candy, also refilling the candy buckets for us unicyclists.
The theme of the parade this year was "Country Roads take me Home." We put a little twist on the theme, and painted a couple of signs saying, "Narrow is the Road that takes me Home," since we were representing our church!

Brady is riding his tall unicycle. And yes, that is me on the horse, 
complete with boots and a cowgirl hat. :-D

Dad arranged for the hay wagon and the tractor while Mom, Katie and I painted the signs. A special thanks to Mitchell for driving the tractor, and to Lavern Quiring, the owner of the tractor, for allowing us to use it!


Ashley Bergen said...

Wish we could have been there.

Brittany said...

Me better be there next year! :-P