Sunday, February 9, 2014

Oh Riley...

Some of my more interesting experiences have taken place during violin practices. When Riley is practicing, some of the funniest things happen...

Such as the time I was working on some techniques with him.
Me: "Riley, you need to keep your bow straight. Can you think of any ways to do that?"
Riley (plus sour, disinterested look): "By not letting it get crooked?"
Me: "And how exactly are you going to keep it from getting crooked?"
Riley: "By keeping it straight?"

Or the time he was practicing "Home on the Range" for a recital coming up. He decided to start singing the words while he was playing...and yodel while he was at it. For all of you violin players out there; have any of you ever tried singing (never mind yodeling) while you're playing?! Extremely difficult.

He loves to play by ear and will just randomly start playing a song that he's heard recently off of a movie, or maybe a hymn that we sang in church. It's pretty funny to hear his very own renditions of those songs! He has a very good ear for music, but sometimes one song will merge into another, making it hilarious!

And just around the house, he has some other hilarious habits which drive almost everyone nuts...Mom and I just look at each other and burst out laughing. Such as the times he imitated the "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" song off of Youtube. Or the times he puts exaggerated vibrato into his voice and goes around singing the Star Spangled Banner. Or he just might be singing his heart out while he's brushing his teeth, as the rest of us are sitting in the living room waiting to start family devotions. Very often he tries my patience, but as I look back on my life, I can't imagine living life without him! It would be so very dull.

I just dug this note out of my drawer...I think I'll probably save it forever, and maybe pull it out at his graduation or wedding someday. He wrote this when he was about 7.

"Thank you Britany for tetching me vieulin. Sore fore Beeing a bab Bruther Thank you for Being a good Sis! I aprisheeAte you vere muse."

If you want to see more funny quotes by Riley and my other family members, head on over to Katie's blog! You won't be sorry you took the time. :-D


Anonymous said...

Niiiiice! That's hilarious, Brit! "Sore for Beeing a bab Bruther"...

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! Oh man! Rylie! I had a hoot after reading your post. I especially laughed at Katie's quote of Rylie telling your mom "that the love of God was not in her". Too funny! Abby T.