Thursday, June 13, 2013

Baby Raccoons!

Gabe and Zach Honken, two of Riley's friends, came over today, and brought two baby raccoons and a turtle with them! The raccoons were as tame as kittens, and would even purr when we held them. The raccoons were found in a little den, and the turtle was found by the side of the road.

 The underside of the turtle's beautiful shell.

 The kids and the coons in the sandbox!

                      Trixie and the raccoon, who didn't quite know what to think of each other. :) 

 So cute!
God's handiwork is so evident in these little critters!


Bergen Family said...

Thats so cool!

Unknown said...

Awww can i have one of the raccoons?! Thats so cool!

Brittany said...

They were so cute and fuzzy! I like 'em a lot better than cats. :-D