Hello! Wow, it's been quite a while since I've posted on this blog! At least I have lots of pictures to make up for it. =) We have been gone for the past two weeks on our family vacation, and I took so many pictures...so here are a few of them! We were very blessed to be able to travel in a huge motor-home bus that some friends offered to let us use. It made traveling so much more fun and comfortable! We traveled through Wyoming and Idaho to Oregon, where we spent most of our vacation. After Labor Day weekend, we traveled down to northern California, and then back through Nevada, Utah and Colorado. We saw such a variety of God's wonderful creations! Here are some of the highlights of the trip...
Here we are, ready to head out!
Some of us may or may not have been paying attention
to the scenery...
Some of the beautiful mountains!
Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park!
This is actually another geyser named the Beehive
Old Faithful
At the Grand Tetons!
(Henry isn't in this picture because he was taking a nap.)
We also spent some time in Jackson Hole, WY.
We were fascinated with this huge archway made of elk antlers,
but this wasn't the only archway...there were four, one on
each side of the town square!
In Oregon, we saw some beautiful scenery and were able
to do some hiking! We saw several different waterfalls...
(the path went behind this waterfall!) |
...and although the water was freezing cold, Dad
and some of my siblings decided to brave it anyway! =)
This is the view of the beautiful Columbia River,
near where we were hiking!
The Columbia River is the biggest one I've seen, and from Oregon,
we could look across and see Washington!
The ocean-going ships on the river were so big!
We enjoyed this first part of our vacation so much!
More pictures to come soon!